Saturday 16 September 2023

28074 PTE R. H. PARRY Royal Army Medical Corps killed in action 10 November 1917

28074 PTE R. H. PARRY Royal Army Medical Corps killed in action 10 November 1917

Robert Henry Parry was born in 1895 in Llanddeinolen Caernarvon, to Robert and Hannah Parry, later of 2, Cefn Coch, Gallt-Y-foel, Cwm-Y-glo, Carnarvonshire. As of 1911, aged 16, he was living at home with his father and elder sister, and employed in the slate industry. He enlisted in the army, and served with the Royal Army Medical Corps with the 13th Casualty Clearing Station and 141st Field Ambulance. He first entered the Egyptian theatre of war in August 1915, probably with the former, for which he was entitled to the 1914-15 Star.
An extant military hospital admissions and discharge register entry (albeit with his name incorrectly given as 'Perry, R H') from 19th General Hospital, Alexandria, indicates that as of December 1915 he was serving with 13th Casualty Clearing Station, also in Egypt. This record confirmed his age as 21, Months with Field Force as 2 months and Years Service 1 year 2 months. He was admitted with Debility around 5 December 1915 and after five days' treatment in Ward G he appears to have been transferred via the Hospital Ship Dongola to Glymenopoulo Convalescent Camp. He was a Methodist. (Archive Reference MH106/1229 refers).
Having been transferred at some point following his recovery, circa August 1916 according to other sources, Pte Parry was serving with 141 Field Ambulance when he died on 10 November 1917 (somewhat unusually for a Lijssenthoek casualty, described as 'killed in action').
The Herald Cymraeg newspaper contains the following information: "Mr and Mrs Robert Parry , Cefn Coch, Gallt y Foel have received news that their son Pte Robert Henry Parry has been killed in France on 10th November aged 23 years. He joined the RAMC at the outbreak of the war and was one of the first to join the Ambulance Brigade from this area. He went to Purfleet on 7th November 1914 and to Colchester Hospital August 1915.He went over to Gallipoli and then to Egypt. In August 1916 he went to France. Last September he went to 14th Field Ambulance Brigade. He was killed while carrying the wounded. A shell struck two of them and he was killed instantly" (Source: username 'Hywyn', Great War Forum)
At the time of Pte Parry's death the 141st Field Ambulance was based at Irish Farm, north-northwest of Ypres. The unit handled 2 sick and 197 wounded casualties on 10 November. After discussing the distribution of additional officers and other ranks attached from the infantry battalions of the 1st Imperial Division for stretcher-bearer duty, the War Diary notes "Capt F.Jefferson RAMC and Capt C.R. MacLeod and 8 O[ther] Ranks proceeded at 4-30a.m. from Irish Farm to the A[dvanced] D[ressing] Station at Somme Redoubt for duty". It adds "The following casualties in the personnel of this Unit occurred on this date....No:28074 Private R.H.Parry., RAMC. Killed in action." It seems likely that Pte Parry was one of the 8 men detailed with Captains Jefferson and MacLeod and was killed whilst on stretcher-bearer duty (see also additional notes below). Privates Proctor and Beeton, wounded, and Private Poole, missing believed killed, were probably wounded in the course of the same duty.
He is buried at LIJSSENTHOEK MILITARY CEMETERY, plot XXII, row HH, grave number 28. His headstone bears the poetic inscription "CWSG YN NISTAW FEDD Y GWRON TI GEI BELLACH WISGO'R GORON DEUED COR ASGELLOG FFRAINC UWCH DY LWCH I GANU CAINC". Touchingly, this appears to have been arranged (and may have been composed) by his elder sister, Miss Annie Parry. Robert Henry's financial effects and War Gratuity were paid to his father, Robert.
Full Name
Date of Birth
Birth Place
Resided Place
Date of Death
10 Nov 1917
Killed in Action
Parents: Robert and Hannah Parry, of 2, Cefn Coch, Gallt-Y-foel, Cwm-Y-glo, Carnarvonshire.
Rank Name
Service Number
Duty Location
France And Flanders
Died in Active Service
British Army
royal army medical corps
141st Field Amb
The following additional notes and translations are kindly provided by Great War Forum user 'Hywyn':
Is on the Roll of Honour of those chapel members serving their country in the 1915-17 Yearbook for Cefnywaen MC [Calvinistic Methodist Chapel].
The same yearbook lists that he fell on the battlefield whilst carrying wounded soldiers on 10th November 1917 aged 23 years. He is buried at Lyssenthoek near Poperinghe, Ypres.
Pte Robert H Parry Cefn Coch, Gallt y Foel is home on leave. He has been away for over two years and has served in the Dardanelles and Egypt. He was in France before coming home on leave. (Herald Cymraeg 26/6/17)
Sad news received of the death of Pte Robert R Parry RAMC, only son of Mr Robert Parry aged 25 years. He enlisted soon after war broke out. (Y Genedl Gymraeg 20 11 1917
Mr and Mrs Robert Parry, Cefn Coch, Gallt y Foel have received news that their son Pte Robert Henry Parry has been killed in France on 10th November aged 23 years. He joined the RAMC at the outbreak of the war and was one of the first to join the Ambulance Brigade from this area. He went to Purfleet on 7th November 1914 and to Colchester Hospital August 1915. He went over to Gallipoli and then to Egypt. In August 1916 he went to France. Last September he went to 14th Field Ambulance Brigade. He was killed while carrying the wounded. A shell struck two of them and he was killed instantly. (Herald Cymraeg 27/11/17)
Last Sunday at Cefnywaen a memorial service was held for Pte Robert Henry Parry, Galltyfoel, son of Mr Robert Parry. He was with the RAMC for over two years and had assisted in 900 operations. (Y Genedl Gymraeg 11 12 1917)

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